14.9 C
среда, март 12, 2025
ПочетнаМакедонијаMortality in premature babies has been reduced

Mortality in premature babies has been reduced


Mortality in premature babies in Macedonia, in the period from 2016 to 2021 has been reduced from 26% to 8%. The Ministry of Health informed that one of the main efforts was to provide better conditions at the gynecology clinic and better care for mothers and newborns.


– As a direct consequence of the continuous improvement of the conditions and modernization of the Clinic, from 2016 to 2021 we managed to reduce the mortality of premature babies from 26% to only 8% with a tendency for this percentage to continue to fall. Continuous training and promotion of the staff and strong investments in modern equipment are the key to success and quality work of this Clinic. In the past period we procured 15 modern incubators, something that was missing at the Clinic but also a number of other devices and equipment, such as microscopes, demineralization systems, respiratory machines, mobile oxygen flow meters and other equipment. This equipment was necessary to offer the best service, and thus to save as many young lives as possible. Today, GAK has top equipment, knowledge and motivated staff that works according to world standards, informed the Ministri of health.



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