7.9 C
сабота, јануари 11, 2025
ПочетнаМакедонијаNumber of coronavirus infections has been reduced past week

Number of coronavirus infections has been reduced past week


A decrease of 8.1 percent in the number of newly infected with Covid-19 last week compared to the previous one, noted the Institute of Public Health (IPH) in the weekly report on the state of the coronavirus in the country.

From November 8 to 14, Covid-19 infected 3,218 people, which is 286 less than the period between November 1 and 7.

21,346 people were tested last week, down 3.5 per cent from the previous week. The percentage of positivity ranges from 10.7 to 20.4 percent, and an average of 14.8.

The most newly infected are in Skopje. Infected persons are registered in all age groups, and the most common are persons over 60 years (4.6 percent). The lowest incidence was reported in the age group 0-9 years (3.2 percent). According to gender, 52.1 percent of patients are women and 47.9 percent are men.

77 deaths were reported, mostly from the age group over 60 years.

8,331 people are active on Covid-19, 534 are hospitalized, of which 343 are on oxygen support and 21 on invasive / non-invasive mechanical ventilation.

Last week, 2,660 people were recovered.

IPH also registered 36 reinfections, 26.5 percent less than the previous week. As of November 14, a total of 822 reinfections have been reported, which is 0.39 percent of the total number of infected so far, which is 209,449 people.



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