8.5 C
четврток, декември 19, 2024
ПочетнаMACO CommunityMelbourne - The Macedonian Food Festival will showcase great Macedonian dishes

Melbourne – The Macedonian Food Festival will showcase great Macedonian dishes


It’s been eight years since the first Macedonian food festival started promoting Macedonian culture. Every year the interest is growing not only among Macedonians but also among other nations in Australia who are always delighted to visit the stands with delicious Macedonian dishes. Captivated by the beautiful feeling that Macedonian culture, tradition and folklore is celebrated and promoted in a such a way.

Author : Gordana Dimovska

Macedonian timeline

This year there will be a large selection of traditional Macedonian dishes, so visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy the taste of: gravce tavce, sarma, burek, mekici, indijanki (sweets), ecler, tulumbi and other specialties known to Macedonians from all over Macedonia.

There will be stalls for Macedonian traditional costumes and Macedonian literature for children and adults.

The Macedonian folk treasure that includes the Macedonian dances, songs, traditional costumes that first appeared in the 15th century, are a recognizable mark and are still used today to promote Macedonian culture in the world. The beauty of the Macedonian girl in traditional costume and the skill with which they sing and perform Macedonian dances, learn the Macedonian language and keep the tradition is indisputable. The Macedonian past is sung and reflected in folk songs, icons, churches, monasteries, architecture, in the folklore that comes from the soul of the people, mourned, exalted in the embroidery of the Macedonian woman-embroiderer, in the strong lyrics of our national poet-fighters and cultural development of Macedonia.

Be part of the biggest Macedonian food festival on 27 October, Footscray Park from 10.00 am..

Gordana Dimovska

Macedonian timeline






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